Sunday, August 30, 2009

Friday Night Fun!

Although I have been fortunate enough to meet many people from all over the world in the past, it is always a pleasure and delight to learn of cultural points of difference.

... On Friday night I was invited to a whole floor pot luck! I thought I would arrive too late for it but imagined I might be able to catch up with a few people, so headed to the kitchen at 9:15. Luckily I caught the pack up time so got to say hi to a few people and enjoy some locally inspired Pinapple cake - it was really good.

Then I convinced a few people from my program to come with me to a lesbian club I had heard about called Chemisstry. I went with a guy from India and two girls, from Nepal and Pakistan, all of whom are straight but open minded. The club was pretty aweful but we ended up playing a game of billiards against some nice locals who ended up taking us into Waikiki for a more populated clubbing scene.

Our hosts paid for our club entry so we headed straight to the bar to shout them drinks, along with their drinks the Nepalese girl decided she wanted a Tequila (because she had heard of it in the movies, no doubt) and I showed her how to drink it. The Indian guy wanted to dance so bad - so scattered to the dance floor as soon as he could. It was so wonderful to watch him dance - looking SO serious with his moves but LOVING every second of it!

The girl from Pakistan made brave faces the whole evening but I found out later that she felt like she had been in a porn... She was amazed and surprised that everyone in the clubs wore what they wore, danced touching each other, and even made out like they were having sex with their clothes on - on the dance floor!

At one stage I actually had to close the Nepalese and Pakistani girls' mouths because their jaws were hanging so low, but major kudos to them for trying new things!!

The night was a massive success and we are all looking forward to our next clubbing adventure together! It was such a fun night!

Good thing too, because the rest of the weekend I was doing an assignment and fighting a migraine.

Balanced out nicely in the end.



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