Sunday, January 29, 2006

Early day impressions of the OC

On Thursday for Australia Day I kept on wishing people a happy day and they just kept on ignoring me, I think they thought I was mocking them... either that or they couldn't understand me.... that happens a lot, surprisingly... people just don't understand what i am saying.... They keep asking me where I am from and when I ask things like, "Do you know anyone who is looking for a housemate?", they tell me to go to and I walk away thinking "That's weird". Then later I realise they thought I said, "Do you know anyone who is looking for a house maid?". Gah.

I said "G'day" to someone the other day and they said, "What?". I repeated myself and they still looked confused, so I wrote it down and then said it was short for "good day". They asked me why I didn't just say "good day". I told them it was Australian slang. I couldn't believe they hadn't heard someone say "g'day". The guy that asked then proceeded to ask me out..... LAliens seem odd.

Actually, the locals seem exceedingly friendly. Yesterday I left home at midday to go to uni but due to the ridiculous state of public transport here, I arrived in just after 5pm (for a drive that takes 20minutes). The whole way people were really friendly and that made the ordeal a lot easier to deal with.

I have resolved to the fact though that due to the disgraceful state of public transport in this city, I have to move closer to Fullerton.... Either that or get a car. But seriously, the roads here are FULL of agressive drivers who have been known on occassion to outlet their road rage by shooting their fellow motorist, also, the lanes are like 5 each way and they stretch on forever - the only monotony broken up by the entry and exit of this or that freeway. It is terrifying to try and drive anywhere without one of those satilite navigation systems, even for the locals!

Having said all of the above, Orange County (my only real taste of LA so far) is totally livable and not the polluted, aggressive city I thought it was going to be. It also helps that my godmother is here (who I am currently crashing with) and she has made sure I know that her house is my house and that she is my second "mom".

Final thought: everything is huge. The cars, the tortilla chip packets, the almonds, the apples, people's lips, people vocal levels...

Oh, final, final thought: I went to the Irvine Spectrum Centre last night which is like an outdoor shopping mall cross entertainment complex cross eating precint where I ate dinner, had the most delicious (and most gigantic) piece of chocolate cake ever and saw a movie. In the movies people talk and comment on the characters the whole way through... they get really involved.... it's kind of fun...


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