Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Madrid is full of people, noise (mainly car horns and police whistles) and wonderful things.

It is getting ever closer to Christmas now so there is lots of kids and joy in Spain...

Madrid is so full of people but the city handels it with grace. It is easy to navigate and the people are lovely, even if they do eat sticks. Yes, they eat sticks. A new friend and I discovered this last night when we saw an old man selling sticks that people bought with gusto to promptly put in their mouths and chew/suck.... It was one of the weirdest things I have ever seen....

So entertaining...

The art museums here are also totally excellent! I have an appreciation now for Picasso and Dali that I was severely lacking before... I am glad it has been found!

Onto Lisbon, Portugal tonight on an overnight to train with a fellow Aussie called Paul. We met in San Sebastian and seem to be travelling the same way. He is very entertaining and we are having a ball together. I had forgotten how nice it is to travel with someone, particularly and Aussie... we have such a unique sense of humour and particular way of looking at this peculiar world. He is my new ´little bro´.

BIG hugs and kisses to everyone!



Blogger Kristiāna said...

Yeah, now that you mention it, I am surprised I didn´t buy a stick too...

Oh yeah, I was told it tasted like Anniseed and I don´t really like that...

Dali is great...so deep...



11:08 pm  

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