Thursday, December 07, 2006

"Terrifyingly Funny"

Paul, my new travel buddy and I are in Lisbon. I don´t think I have EVER laughed so hard in such a short period of time, this is by far the funniest city in the world!

When we arrived the weather couldn´t decide whether to storm or settle. Either way, the cobblestone streets were exceedingly wet and slippery which is always fun for people with a lot of luggage in a new city... Also, Lisbon is full of steps, lots of them, going steeply up and steeply down various alley ways and streets.

The buildings are cute and the people are insane. Old women yell at you for no apparent reason and point you in the absolute opposite direction of where you need to go, police officers tell you where non-existent Metro stations are and men successfully attempt to fix electrical problems from unstable ladders in the rain.

As Paul put it, "Lisbon is terrifyingly funny".

We feel very safe (though disorientated) here and there have been many tears in my eyes from laughing so hard at Paul´s sarcasim while trying to avoid lawsuit worthy footpaths and dog poop.

Our next stop is supposed to be Cadiz in the south of Spain so we can go to Morocco but we may just have to see about that...

Until next time, behave my lovelies!



Blogger Kristiāna said...

Speaking of Borat, I had dinner last night with the family of the guy I am staying with and his older brother sounded just like Borat. I kept on avoiding eye contact because I was trying SO hard to avoid the giggles...

Good times...

As for YOU, you definately need to behave!

Ha ha.

Love you long time.


11:38 pm  

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