Thursday, February 02, 2006

One week today in smoggy LA

I just had a friend ask me if things were 'really' so different in the States to home and I have to say, 'yes'. I have been incredibly surprised at how different things are here. I am SO glad that the weather isn't too different and the language is English, even if I am only understood half the time...

My impresion of the States so far is that people are super friendly (I think most people think prozac is a daily vitamin along with laxatives) and they are all beautiful (or at least well dressed and wearing a lot of well manipulated make-up), REALLY Christian and brunette. I am told however that the people in Los Angeles, are a people of there own and therefore a lot different to the rest of the States... Not sure what that means yet...

I am currently staying with my Godmother just now. She is great and lets me know a lot that she is my "American mom". She also is always asking me if I am hungry or if I have had enough to eat (apparently my mum told her I don't eat well) but I don't mind, her mum, a funny Peurto Rican lady makes me great Peurto Rican meals. Gladys (my "American grandma") also repeats everything I say in Spanish before answering me in Spanish and then translating into English in an attempt to teach me her language.

Yesterday I found a place to live with a fantastic Italian girl called Annalina for about $US500 month. That's a great price. I move in next weekend.

Classes started here on Monday (orientation was last Thursday). I have three classes on Monday and Wednesday (International Marketing, Professional Selling and Integrated Marketing Communications) as well as one class on Tuesday and Thursday (Marketing Strategies). Over here there are no lectures and tutorials, classes are both in one and go for one and a quarter hours twice a week. It works well for me.

Last Sunday I went skiiing with one of my new friends, Henry, and his friend Miranda.

Tomorrow is my birthday. I plan to spend the evening down at the on campus bowling alley / bar / billiard room where there is a first-week party going on.

On Friday I am seeing a play with Annalina in North Hollywood and on Saturday there is a Chinese New Year party. Super bowl is on Sunday and I will be watching because I want to see the million dollar advertisements.... ha!

In all, things are going pretty well here. I just need a job now and to settle into a routine.

Miss you all!



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