Sunday, May 21, 2006

Partying in Mexico!

Holy cow!

After yesterday I got picked up today by Brigitte at 6am to go to Mexico for a day of partying hard!

After Gina, Amy and Jamana joined us we headed down past Rosarito to get lost looking for La Bufadora and end up in some party area that reminded me strangly of a pubbing strip in Queenstown, NZ. There we were joined by many tourists for lots and lots of loud music and alcohol. There I was lured into feeling safe by my "friends" who took advantage of my trust and paid some guy to attack me! There, at Papas and Beer a man came up to me from behind, smacked a sticker across my chest, felt me up, held my nose while he threw a shot of something down my throat and then, before i could ask what the hell was going on, grabbed me by the waist and flipped me upside down while I proceeded to scream really, really loudly with my feet kicking helplessly in the air and the entire pub laughed at me...

Good times.

Good times washed down with many, many margaritas.... In fact, I might even recall so many margaritas that there may also have been beer consumed also.... ewww... beer....

This was all followed up with the best bean burrito in the history of bean burritos and then a Mariachi band. After a little boogying in the street, some mock bargaining with locals and a minor stop in some shop we were back on the road. I am so glad I got to see more of Mexico than my last little volunteer trip... Mexico is GORGEOUS!

There are so many little beautiful beaches and cute shops and interesting people.

We eventually made it to some beach known for monster Lobster (which of course I didn't have because I don't eat flesh) but enjoyed some deliciously fresh homemade torillas, beans and rice along with some amazing soup and margaritas!

We chilled there for much of the afternoon and then did a bit of local shopping in the eveing before heading to Rosarito for clubbing. We didn't end up staying in Rosarito for long because we had such an intense morning and afternoon of partying ourselves out but it was fun all the same.

We managed to get home safely at 5am, eventually, after bursting a tire and having two cops drive past while we had a "Help!" poster mounted on the back of our car above our hazard lights (while waiting for the car people to come help us...)

Good times!

Most massive thanks to Brigitte, Amy, Jamana and Gina for the most brillient Saturday in the entire history of Saturdays!!!



Blogger Kristiāna said...

In response to Charlie's recent phone call, it is Brigitte who ownes the Passat.

Also, in all of our defences, changing a tire here is not like changing a tire in Bris-vegas. Changing a tire, no, four chicks changing a tire, at 2,3 or 4am is like holding up a sign (a much more effective sign than our "help" sign) that says, "Good morning crazy Californians! Does anyone own a gun? There are four pretty girls here. These four pretty girls are stranded. They don't have a gun. Silly girls. Silly, vulnerable girls..."


We can change tires ourself. We just like living.


6:11 pm  

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