Sunday, June 18, 2006


Today I went to Niagra Falls.

It wasn't that I was unimpressed, it was just that I was missing people in the USA. This was NOT helped by the fact that across Niagra Falls was USA turf. In fact, I managed to talk my way across the Candian border without a passport. Happily I marched back onto USA ground until I got to border patrol who basically congratulated me for trying but assured me they wouldn't let me into the states despite my Californian student ID card...

The US Customs guy did give me some good advise though:
"Have fun, get into trouble, but not more than you have bail money for".

Sound advise me thinks.

Back on the Canadian side, they had no idea who I was because I had no offical ID but they decided to let me in anyway...

I was bummed and fell asleep in a park with dreams of friends which made me feel better when I awoke. I also learned that Toronto is the home of Degrassi street (for those who know what Degrassi is/was - OH MY GOD, I KNOW!!) and the set home of Anne of Green Gables (my tour guide says she actually went to school with the guy who played the character of Gilbert!!!).

Anyway, I leave tomorrow for Berlin via London so you shall hear from me next there.

Bye-bye America!

Love you long time!


Blogger Kristiāna said...

Hey Lena, you cool cat, yes we're mates for life!

Oh my God Michael! How are YOU!?!? I am so happy to hear from one of the Metropole boys! Hows it going? What adventure are you scheming?? Can't wait for more info...

Hey Jenny, sorry for the delayed reply, I will let you know more details as soon as I have them about when I am in England. Partying shall be caught up on!

Thanks for all your comments!


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