Friday, December 14, 2007

The end of week 3.

I am really enjoying being in this workspace. I am liking the team I am in, I am liking the autonomy and I am liking the fact that everyone has faith in my ability to exceed in this role (and exceed I will, dammit!).

The end of week 3 has also brought the slow and sneaky revelation of who has who for the secret Santa presents in the office (although the person that has me is still unknown...). I have the person in the office renown for his stinginess. He is also the guy who sends around the 'lessons from God' email once a week. So I gave him the most appropriate present I could think of; a lovely item from 'The Christian Superstore' that had once been given to me in very poor taste. You just don't even understand how perfect it is!

Do you think he will suspect it was repackaged if the secret Santa value was supposed to be $5-$10 and the gift is actually valued at $24?

Eh, who cares... it is a nice gift after all (if you are into Christian paraphernalia...)



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