Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Cancelled Flights

So we booked our around the world ticket through British Airways, but when we went to change it had to go through American Airlines to go to Dubai and then onto Hong Kong with Cathay Pacific and back to Brisbane. Seem crazy to anyone else?

Yeah, well, try getting to the airport the day of your flights to find out that your expected journey of Berlin to London, London to Dubai, Dubai to Hong Kong and Hong Kong to Brisbane is now only one Berlin to London flight. And try getting any sense out of the poor German working for Global Explorer as to why it happened that very morning, let alone why it can't be rebooked at all!

We ended up getting our flight to London where we managed to get rebooked and rerouted through Japan a week later. Thank God for my incredible cousin Anna and her amazing husband Justin who allowed us to stay with them for that entire time at instantaneous notice!

Gah. The weird thing about all this though, is that this is going to be the first part of this entire adventure that we will be able to sleep enough, and tour leisurely during our whole trip thus far. The other weird thing is that this isn't the first time I have been stuffed around by British Airways but their awesome customer service and complaints handling still makes them my preferred airline to travel with...

Kudos to BA!



Blogger Lena Woo said...

I've always liked BA just cuz well, they're British :P

3:16 am  
Blogger Kristiāna said...


Their food is pretty good too! I have been pretty impressed with their Vegan meals... except for when they give me cow butter... eww...


10:42 am  

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