Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Mad week!

Thursday I decided that I needed to meet some nice, down-to-earth, open minded friendly people (since there is so much superficiality around here), so I went to the GLBA (Gay, lesbian, bi-sexual association) meeting. It was so much fun! Everyone was so friendly and funny and nice. During introductory games where you had to agree or disagree with statements I kept on forgetting that I probably wasn’t meant to be there if I was straight and as a result kept on making all this straight comments…. (they probably just think I am bi…). Anyway, I have met such a great group of people in this group who I know are going to become some of my closest friends!

Following the meeting Taka (the Japanese friend who I have started calling Taco) took me to downtown Fullerton to catch some awesome jazz. Awesome it was...

Friday night I took my aunt to dinner to say 'thank you for everything'. We went to this AMAZING restaurant called The Rainforest Cafe in Downtown Disney. Our 'safari' of two had dinner in the jungle with everyone and everything else. Around us were giant bugs and butterflies, robotic elephants and gorillas as well as chimpanzees, rainforest birds and giant aquariums! Every 20minutes a 'thunderstorm' struck and the lighting hit, the calypso and reggae music was overshadowed by thunder, and the elephants and gorillas went crazy - moving up and down and making their noises! It was phenomenal!

Saturday my aunt and I went to a ball. There was apparently an age limit; you had to be over 70. Also, if you were male, you had to be creepy. eg. (actual conversation):
Old creep man: You aren't allowed to dance like that.
(To me standing on the side of the room swaying like a drunk sailor.)
Me: I'm not dancing, I'm swaying.
Old creep man: That sort of sexy dancing isn't allowed.
Me: I'm not dancing, I'm swaying.
Old creep man: I'm [insert whatever his creepy old man name was].
Me: That's nice.
Old creep man: I have 'The Emancipation of Mimi' in my car, you know, Mariah Carrey.
Me: That's nice.
Old creep man: Is your significant other here?
Me: He is in the car waiting for me.
My aunt (interrupting): Do you have any kids?
Old creep man: Yes.
My aunt: How old are they?
Old creep man: The youngest one is 28.
My aunt: This is my daughter, she is 22.
Old creep man: Oh, okay, well, if you two aren't doing anything, you should come up to room 1426, that is where the party's going and where lots of booze is.

At this point I started dry-hurling... Only to be quenched later by joining other ball attendees on the dance floor for some serious (and VERY repetitive) line dancing.

Yesterday I finally moved into my apartment with new housemate and friend, Annalina, from Italy (Torino - where the winter Olympics are currently being played out actually). After I moved my stuff in, she and I went to Newport Beach to jump into the sea and cleanse my tainted energy. It was so cold my body was burning in the water but it was so nice to be at the beach (even if the sand is brown).

So that is my life up 'til now.

This weekend I am looking at driving to Los Vegas and possibly the Grand Canyon!


Will write again soon.



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