Thursday, March 02, 2006

Underwear Thief!

I am so pissed off!

I put my clothes in the communal laundry, as you do when you are in a small apartment complex, and when I came back, someone had stolen my bra! They did not steal any other clothes (that I've noticed) and even left my matching undies but, gah!

I found out it had actually been stolen rather than me having lost it when I went back to the laundry to look for it and a girl who was there minding her washing (and hissing "my precious, my precious"*) told me that her and her housemate had both had their underwear stolen in the past!

I went back to my room and wrote up a huge sign that said, "To the underwear thief, I want my purple bra back! Please hand it into the office. P.s. I am angry!" and posted it up in the laundry. At least future laundry users can be warned of the resident creep...

Meanwhile, if you would like to sponsor me underwear, let me know...

*The aforementioned girl wasn't hissing or repeating "my precious, my precious". She was however drawing really cool little animations for her animations class that she was behind in...


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