Friday, April 07, 2006

Madness and other craziness!

Saturday night I hosted a get together before being designated driver for two people who shall remain nameless, to go to another party. These people people have been delegated a role model type role for me so it was of particular interest and amusement when these two people proceeded to get smashed and stoned in front of me... It was even funnier (and actually really scary) when we did a very early morning munchy run and they nearly got arrested for urinating in public. Ha!

Sunday I escaped to Venice Beach (or so I thought). At Muscle Beach (yes, that is actually the name...), my friends and I firetwirled, juggled, hoola-hooped and danced before strolling along Santa Monica Peir and exploring the Bubba-Gump Shrimp Co (SO cool) and other random stores. It was a delicious day!

Monday I tried (and performed badly) in my first Akido class, I have the bruises to prove it! It was fun. This was followed by a live music session in downtown Fullerton and a late night run to 24hr local Mexican take-away place (24hrs! Woo!).

Other than that this week has been pretty stressful actually. It should all be good again from now on...

Be good and twirl!

p.s. Shout out and reminder that I am always here for you, friends! (In particular, Lena, Thashawna and Deanna).


Blogger Kristiāna said...

I know. You're a true mate!


10:32 am  

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