Saturday, April 15, 2006

Sorry for the lack of update.

Since I last wrote I have been going through some intense emotional stuff directly and indirectly. Lately there has been an influx of bad and worse news from friends and family. I have been feeling a lot of intense stuff and just been trying to really experience whatever I am needing to feel, so I can move on.

A couple of things that have really got me reflecting lately have been volunteering in the health clinic last weekend in Mexico, and participating in the Take Back the Night ralley on campus. Both experiences were confronting and grounding and I am glad I participated in both.

Don't be concerned, I'm all good. Life is just full of experiences and sometimes you feel them more and sometimes you feel them less.

Peace and love



Blogger Kristiāna said...

I know. That's one of the reasons why I love ya!

I have actually spoken to my brother and found out that some of the stuff I was going through last week was because he was experiencing it (he and I are really close and pick up one each other's vibe...).

We're both doing a lot better this week. Thanks.


11:27 am  

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