Sunday, July 30, 2006


So there is apparently a LOT of misinformation about Dracula.

A Dracula did exist. He was a great prince in what is now Romania during the 15th Century. He was eventually a feared and ruthless leader that powerfully defended his land against enemy forces.

One way that Dracula (meaning "son of the Dragon") would instill fear in enemy forces was by impailing caught enemy soldiers on arrows that would allow them to live a horrible and painful 48hours before death.

Later, an author called Bran wrote about a character called Dracula that sucked blood and was scary for other reasons.... This character and the real King have been confused which is good for tourism here but bad for misinformed history...

Just so you know...

Meanwhile, today, during a long and gorgeous trek around the countryside (past many horse drawn wagons) we visited the original Dracular's castle/residence. It was a decent 1480 step climb and perched to overlook stunning views of surrounding mountains and valleys.

So tired now because I have a cold and had a snorer in our dorm last night...

Sweet dreams.



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