Thursday, July 20, 2006

Emotional status check...

As many of you know, I have been quite sad and not myself the past few weeks. I have been missing everything familiar and been trying to work out how to get back to the States asap, despite the fact I have this amazing opportunity in the centre of Europe.

I feel a LOT better today.

I am now writing to you from Budapest in Hungary having left the Ukraine for a bit. I am happier today for several reasons, one being because, like a true girl, I could not fight back tears yesterday and once I let it all out, I felt a lot better....

This trip has been extremely difficult for me. I have met new people and been to new places, I have travelled alone, with strangers and with friends. I have been able to explore, get lost and get into trouble. But most of all, as hard as it has been at times, I have been able to get some real clarity.

As much as I adore all my family and friends in their respective parts of the world, I honestly hope and aim to be back in the States before the end of next year. I don't want to rush because I want to do the right thing by myself and my family, but I just felt so understood in the States and I really felt a 'home' there - something I can not remember ever feeling in any of the places I have lived or travelled. For me, 'home' has always been where I feel comfortable, with no real attachment other than an intense connection to the people there...

My attraction to the States does not mean that my family and friends in Australia or anywhere else are any less important but it does mean that I honestly feel a need to explore this desire to be in the States, work there, live there...

Thank you all for your understanding and thoughts. I really appreciate every smile, comment, email, telepathic hug and thought!

Sending you all a MASSIVE and AUSSIE 'raffie' hug from Hungary!!

p.s. Budapest is BEAUTIFUL!


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