Saturday, July 15, 2006

Random Krakow

On our first full day in Krakow, Casper and I bought ice-creams. Because I try to avoid dairy, I thought I was buying an ice-block but quickly realised that it was actually an ice-cream overed in chocolate. Boo. I gave it to Casper who ate the chocolate off of the outside and then tried to give the ice-cream back to me, I said I didn't want it and so a random Polish man (wearing no shirt) offered to take it off our hands, which he did and happily proceeded down the street eating our left over ice-cream...

Next day, after my audition for a Polish television show/film, a new friend stepped in dog poo with his socks just after some bark flew in his eye. Both were painful for me to watch though I couldn't help laughing a LOT at the obscurity.... Casper then stepped in the same poo bare-foot.... EWW!

Last night we went clubbing at a four story (8 different party room) club called Kitsch. There was definately something for everyone... It was really great to be out in Krakow (having a "Krak of a night" as the locals say) on a Friday because it seems that every other night (except Saturday), this place does not happen...

Ohh well, the total randomness of this blog really sums up my Polish experience. Just wanted to give you a taste of my weird and wonderful little world...

On to the Ukraine with an all night bus tonight.

Hopefully we won't get robbed.

p.s. to my new friends at Yo Mama's Hostel, thanks for the fun and we'll hopefully be meeting up again soon!!


Blogger Kristiāna said...

I want you to be here too!!!

Don't pay covers Lena! Covers are for FOOLS!

Love you!!


8:10 pm  

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