Monday, July 09, 2007

Berlin is great and all... but we're outta here!

Look, I am not saying that Berlin isn't a city I want to live in and I am not saying that we have met some absolutely incredible people here who have become amazing collegues and friends, all I am saying is that the other night I was told that there is a 60% unemployment rate here and that it is much, much higher for the people that don't speak German.

That would include me.

Kristina's father is sick and while our work here with the tour company is fun, it isn't particularly challenging and it isn't earning us the money we need to cover all our costs, be able to save a little and be able to keep up with Kristina's mortgage repayments.

We are going to head back to Aus and we are leaving this weekend. I just changed the flights.

I am really disappointed that I couldn't make living overseas work for me again this time, however, I have learnt some incredibly valuable lessons and next time round, we will make it fo' sho'.

Time to wrap it up in Berlin folks.

Lots of love.



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