Thursday, April 19, 2007

New Tattoo

It is official. My mother is the best.

Look I am sure that your mum is great but, there is only room for one "best". That's just how it is. Sorry.

My mum is the best because she is a friend as well as a parent. We laugh until we cry, we cry until we feel like laughing and we joke around with each other constantly. She pushes my buttons and I push hers because we understand how each other roll.

There are many, MANY reasons why my mum is the best and just one little example is how yesterday, even though she did not support me getting my next tattoo, my mum came along, because I had expressed to her how much it meant to me to have her there.

My new tattoo is about us. It is representative of me being on my path and going in my direction and how you and everyone else are on your own paths, in your own directions. It represents how directly or indirectly our paths intersect and how those moments of connection can impact our lives so significantly. My tat is a reminder to be there for those who are there for me, because without those people I would come undone. My tat is an ode to you amazing people who enrich my life, motivate me and inspire me. You are my religion, my cross, my right-hand people.

And to you all I dedicate my tat. Especially my mum.



Blogger Lena Woo said...

It looks like you branded iron it onto your arm. :P

But I love it! :o)

6:37 am  
Blogger Kristiāna said...

New tats do look like that... Especially white ones...
Lova ya.

2:39 pm  

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