Saturday, June 09, 2007

Make Poverty History

Today Bjorn drove us up to the Baltic Sea on our way to a free concert to raise awareness and support for the Make Poverty History campaign. Much like the Live8 concerts, this event had established and international acts performing continuously for about 11hours. It was a fantastic way to sample more German concerting experiences while supporting a great cause and having a boogie to some international acts.

My favourite German band Seeed was there and although we only caught the end snippet of their performance, I was stoked.

We are so tired from our adventures so far but we are happy to be here and ever so grateful to Bjorn for his generocity and friendship!


p.s. In my understandings of German (nil) I understand that the G8 was supposed to contribute €50 Trillion to path the way for total elimination of extreme poverty in Africa. If the rest of my understandings were also correct, the most significant outcome of the most recent G8 meetings was a pledge of €44 Trillion from the members and half of that, half!, will be contributed by the USA!



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