Sunday, June 25, 2006

Go the Socceroos!

Well who would have thought that I would care that the Socceroos made the quarterfinal qualifier?!?

Furthermore, who would have thought that to watch the game I would have painted onto myself not one, but FOUR Australian flags and a great big 'MADE IN AUS' across my head. All this to match my AUS jumper and Aussie flag cape.....

Who would have thought that I would have looked nearly as ridiculous for this game as I did hopping onto the recent flight to Germany pregnant with my clothes....

Probably anyone that really knows me....(P.s. these are NOT my toes... They are the toes of an Aussie supporter who was standing next to me at a match.... My toes are prettier...)

In other news, got a stark reminder today that I am no longer in the States when fireworks went off in the street after Germany scored in their match and I freaked out because in the States, the sounds would have meant gun shots....

Ta ta for now!



Blogger Kristiāna said...

Ohh... I miss Disneyland fireworks!

Yesterday at the 'Italy was given the goal on a platter which resulted in an unfair win against the well playing Aussies' game, an Italian lit up a flare.... The authorities promptly removed him from the fan mile with stern looking faces....

Fireworks = dangerous to the Germans.

Guns = fun to the Americans.

Beer = gross to me.


11:34 pm  

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