Saturday, July 08, 2006

The coolest thing EVER!!!

There is this massive sand covered deck and bar area that is perched in front of a large and intertwining jetty leading out to misty showers, the Spree (a local river) and a glass bottomed boat filled with water that is used as a pool!

Funky Europeans seemingly with no work place to be and lots of EuroChic glam (but outdoor festival attitude) line the bar, beach, deck areas, jetty and pool while chatting, drinking and listening to tribal infused electronica, as the warm (but not harsh) European sun caresses their evenly tanned, spot-free, intricately designed tattooed bodies and half-covered-by-giant-fashionable-sunglasses faces.

This place, Badeschiff, which transforms into a funky-ass nightclub by night is located just next to some really grassroot little bars and restaurants which sit on a nearby stream that connects to the river. These house bars play DJ mixed beats to assist alcoholic or caffeinated beverages past young EuroCool lips. The willow trees that arch over many of these social venues witness their night time evolution into uber trendy outdoor bars.

This particular bar I just mentioned is where we had a drink last night and watched some local personality be interviewed for some music documentary. We then walked past the former gas station (now a bar and nightclub because we are in Berlin!) and got caught in a summer storm on the way home.

It was fun until I had the crap scared out of me after yelling out to the rumbling, lightning flashed sky ‘Aloha’ followed by ‘Bring it on bitch!’ and a strike of lightning hit the building I was facing. Yah, that was scary… and fun.

Gigantic thank you to Grace for the phone call last night with updates on my American world and Team USA!!!

Huge thank you to my brother today for long, much anticipated and awesome catch up!!!

Big BOO to missing Charlie’s phone call today!!! I was in the shower, sorry, I hope you got my text!!!

Love each and every one of you and missing everyone big time!!



Blogger Kristiāna said...

*crossing arms and blinking*


Gah... my powers seem to be lacking today... I"ll try tomorrow chicka!

Love you!

p.s. Berlin's Love Parade is this weekend... will be HUGE!


3:07 am  

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