Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Right now.

The last few days has been quite turbulent but I feel like I have regained some balance...

Bjorn has really helped me the last few days sort out some stuff in my troubled head and he and I have resolved to do a 'just friends' thing. I think it is best for both of us.

In the meantime, I have been wondering about heading back to the States and getting married so I can stay, work and live there... Knowing me, we know that I am as serious as I am joking about this...

Other than the above, I have been out at random a fair bit lately, meeting interesting people, taking lots of photos of abstract street happenings and exploring old and abandoned buildings to watch the sun rise and search for a bit more adventure...

I am in a bit of an weird twilight zone just now, there is enough light to see but not enough clarity to be sure....

Loving life and sending each one of you claustraphobic hugs!



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