Friday, January 26, 2007

Retreat revelations...

I spent this week at a Buddhist retreat in the Sunshine Coast hinterland on a 160 acre property, just meditating and reconnecting.

What a wonderful thing to have done!

I have so much more clarity now!

Here is the low-down:
1. Australia is a fantastic country, a land of diversity and innovation, a stimulating place from which I gather much joy and inspiration. It is a wonderful place to grow up and to settle but since I am technically 'grown up' and not willing to settle just yet, it is not the place for me. As soon as is viable, I am still wanting to get back to Southern California.
2. I want a job that allows me to make a significant contribution to the betterment of society and also allows me to earn a decent wage. Although money shouldn't be that important, it is relatively important to me to afford me the lifestyle I wish to lead and the freedom to choose where I want to be.
3. Although the Sydney job sounds absolutley awesome and I have no real reason to reject it, I am not going to be chasing it. I am just not 'feeling' it and that is what makes sense to me.
4. Love is not enough. If love was enough I would never have left the States (I would have found a way to stay), if love was enough the person I was in love with would not have found someone else. Love is not enough and that is okay. I am very, very grateful for having had such a beautifully bountiful (and complicated) experience with love this last year, I have learnt a great deal and am very, very lucky to have experienced what I did.
5. I discovered my religion. It is you. You inspire me every day. I am challenged and provoked by your divinity and reminded of how much of an affect each and every person has. It is you that reminds me of how lucky and wonderful I am and how truely excellent this life is. THANK YOU.

And that about sums it up, folks.

I hope you know how amazing you are to me and everyone around you.

Loving it.



Blogger the words said...

I LOVE YOU..... I can't wait for you to be here.... I am currently learning more about MY LA and the surrounding areas so that when you are back i can give you the extended tour.

6:50 am  
Blogger Kristiāna said...

Lena, you know I am just going to say that "Money is for FOOLS" but unfortunately, I am increasingly discovering that I am a fool...

Or perhaps that is my excuse...

Sandra, I can't wait thil I am back there and learning about your LA on the new and exciting extended tour!



5:05 pm  

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