Saturday, March 15, 2008

Tutoring... Or at least trying to...

I am LOVING teaching back at QUT although this week has been interesting...

I have seven classes I teach across three days. My biggest day is Wednesday which goes from 9am til 7pm. This week, that also happened to be the day that my cold took its strongest hold on my voice. By the time I got to my 5-7pm Strategic Speech Communication class I was only whispers and squeaks. Of course, that made it all the more interesting when trying to teach a group about tone, pitch, volume and projection... Good times.

Seriously though, I am loving my classes. I love preparing for the tuts, I love facilitating the learning experience for my students and I love the satisfaction that comes out of knowing that they have learnt something new, or have been able to apply a concept and now fully understand it. So rewarding.

I just can’t help thinking that there is some irony in working for and being happier at “the university for the real world” than in the ‘real world’ itself...



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