Saturday, September 16, 2006

Comments and emails to keep me smiling!

I love comments! According to the comment box from my last blog there is now some super cool young person reading my blog, who really likes it, and is inspired by me!!

Excuse me while my ego EXPLODES!!!

Moving on... I just received the funniest email ever from my friend Peppa who is currently working in Japan. She is working as a school teacher and she just sent me an update of what has been going on, here is a paragraph I had to share:
"Sports festival was the next day, and much like a sports carnival in Oz, there are races and colours and teams. That’s were the similarity ends.
There’s no highly dangerous crazy Japanese games in Oz that send about half the kids to the school nurse with scrapped knees, heads, elbows and hands, the occasional punched eye, lost contact lens and broken wrist!
They really are mad as rattle snakes. There’s one that I particularly liked.
The kids stand in their teams, huddled together as tightly as possible. Then the leaders of the teams have to run around swinging this huge metal pole around. (about 7 meters long and 8 cm thick). The team has to stay together and duck, jump and swerve this pole and try not to get nutted!
It’s totally crazy, but the most incredible thing to watch. They also have a very serious relay, which I think is the biggest event of the day. The entity of all the teams group up in either pairs, triplets or quads. They all have to tie their legs together (not side by side either, front to back!) and piss bolt around the oval, 1/2 lap per team before the baton is passed on. I need to note that at quarter intervals around the oval there are tables set up with bottles and bottles of the Japanese equivalent of Coke. 1/2 way through each groups run, the head person in the group has to stop and scull the bottle of fizzy*!!!!
This leads not only to a lot of falls dues to the ropes around the legs, but a lot of burping, reflux and down right vomiting before the game is over! Absolutely hilarious! It was like watching Japanese Jackass all day!"

All I can say (once I have stopped laughing in a nervously horrified and highly entertained way) is 'law suit'....

Ahh ha ha ha ha!!!


*For the international people reading this, "scull the bottle of fizzy" means "drink the bottle of softdrink/soda as quickly as possible".


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