Sunday, September 03, 2006

Spring in Aus.

It was raining when I left Zurich, it was raining when I left London, it was raining when I left Bangkok and when I got to Sydney and eventually back to Brisbane, it was raining...

I have been told that it has not rained in Brisbane since I left Aus which is aweful news. We are in a major, major drought over here.

Today is early spring. Today it is not raining but due to the last few days, everything is looking particularly lush.

The weather is also particularly pleasant, I can hear some birds singing and there is a lovely tree sheltering me from a beautiful sunset that is painting the usually clear blue sky with a wonderful array of colours...

It is nice to be back but it totally surreal to see that except for the occassional new building, everything is same-same while I have grown up so much.

Although everything here is so familiar, including the total randomness and irony of Australian humour and the drunken street calls from Aussie men (*vomit*), I am really keen to get back to SoCal and find a job there.

I will go back to the States before the end of October and my plans from then til the end of the year are a little sketchy. I suspect I will be back in Aus for a beach day Christmas BBQ but will leave soon after to live and work in SoCal.

Hope to catch up with everyone soon!

Lots of love!



Blogger Kristiāna said...

Aren't you out to everyone??

Love you!


6:44 pm  
Blogger Kristiāna said...

There is so much love in the world. I don't understand why there is also so much hate...

I don't understand why there is so much negativity towards gays. I mean, how does it hurt or negatively impact those who aren't gay? I just don't understand why there is so much negativity targeted towards people who are not actively doing any bad, who don't have a choice in how they are and are just being honest with themselves and the world!

I don't know if I can make it to the States by October 12th chicka, but you and our friends know that I support each and every one of the honest people who have chosen to come out to the world and even those who have not yet.

Spread the love!


9:57 am  

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